Early Days on Enclomiphene: First Impressions, Training Updates, and Dietary Adjustments

I’ve officially started my enclomiphene protocol at 25mg every three days. No major effects yet, but I’m tracking my diet, training, and overall progress closely. Stay tuned for upcoming bloodwork and lifting updates.
Modern home gym setup with squat rack, barbells, and a digital workout tracker displaying progress metrics.

Everything shared here is based on my own research and personal experience. While I strive to provide accurate and well-researched information, I am not a doctor. Always conduct your own research, consult with a medical professional if needed, and make informed decisions based on your own circumstances. I may be wrong at times, and I welcome discussion and differing perspectives.

Today is Monday, February 24th, marking my fourth day on enclomiphene. I decided to settle on a dosing schedule of 25mg every three days, with my first dose taken last Friday and the second this morning. At this point, I don’t expect to notice any significant changes—testosterone modulation takes time, and any early effects would likely be placebo-driven. That said, I will continue to monitor for both positive and negative effects as my body adapts.

This week, I am transitioning to a push/pull/legs workout split, training five days per week. In addition to my lifting routine, I also incorporate 30 to 45 minutes of steady-state cardio daily. While some might worry about excessive cardio interfering with strength gains, I have found that moderate, low-intensity cardiovascular work does not negatively impact my ability to progress in the gym—especially when paired with an adequate caloric intake.

Speaking of diet, I officially ended my calorie deficit on Friday and moved into a slight caloric surplus to support strength and muscle growth. My current macro breakdown is 2,600 calories per day, consisting of 187g of protein, 57g of fat, and 326g of carbohydrates. Unfortunately, this weekend wasn’t ideal for sticking to those numbers, as an event on Saturday included both poor dietary choices and alcohol—not the best way to start a structured bulk. However, I am refocusing this week, and I expect to stay fully on track moving forward.

As for side effects, I have nothing to report so far. Of course, I was hyperaware of my body on Friday after taking my first dose—convincing myself that my eyes felt dry or that I was experiencing subtle changes—but realistically, these were almost certainly placebo effects. The real test will come in the next few weeks as my body adjusts to the medication and any physiological changes begin to take place.

I’ll continue updating my progress page with my lifting numbers, weight trends, and general well-being. Additionally, I plan to get bloodwork in 3–4 weeks to assess the impact of enclomiphene on my hormone levels. Until then, I will provide updates as needed, but at this stage, there isn’t much to report beyond sticking to my plan and ensuring consistency in training and diet.

Previous Article

Starting Enclomiphene: Dosage, Half-Life, and What’s Really in Your Capsules?

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Enclomiphene: Effects on Muscle Growth, Fat Loss, and Side Effects – A Scientific Review

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